The Līgo Haibun Challenge – Time To Blossom


There are two prompts for the Līgo Haibun Challenge this week:
“Earth laughs in flowers” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher” – William Wordsworth.
My choice fell on the laughing earth…

“Earth laughs in flowers and I think I know why,” you suddenly said as we were lying breathless among the blades of grass…with dandelion fluff in hair, dizzy from scent of the meadow and each other. “Earth can’ t laugh in trees – they are so majestic in their determination. It takes much more than a giggle for a tiny seedling to reach upwards while letting the roots embed deeply in the ground…step by step, year by year…collecting those precious growth rings almost like prizes for another year survived. Earth can’ t laugh in mountains…those raw curves radiating natural sensuality, yet bringing some stability at the same time. Rivers? Neither! They are the tears shed and the heartaches survived. For the moments to reach within and find peace the best ones seem to be deserts while the wind constantly whispers about mysterious roads to be taken. And then there is one happy laughing earth with flowers. It lets us see the shy smile in cornflowers and the flirty giggle in poppies. The open laugh in clover and the kind smile in daisies. With waltzing bees and butterflies like colorful whirling dervishes in between. And with us…to notice…to see…simply to be…to laugh along.” I silently smiled.

petals unfold
tiptoeing through the meadow
i learn to feel

The Līgo Haibun Challenge

15 thoughts on “The Līgo Haibun Challenge – Time To Blossom

  1. Pingback: Ligo Haibun Challenge – Quotes, Nature and Flowers | TheWhyAboutThis

  2. Pingback: Ligo Haibun Challenge – The life of a Morning Glory | TheWhyAboutThis

  3. Pingback: Ligo Haibun Challenge | call2read

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