Carpe Diem Hai(ku)bun *The Day Begins*


Silence. Speed was still echoing all the way through every cell of mine. Twists and turns. Of the road. And of my mind. Or was it my heart if there was any left? After driving for hours I felt like a forgotten box in the luggage compartment, sliding to bump into all the possible corners every time the brakes were pressed. Quite a contrast with the velvety female voice on the radio with her repetitive “I’ll find some peace tonight…”. Will you? Will I? After all, the night was pretty much over. Just as the first tiny hint of the light appeared almost carefully along the horizon, I had stopped. Finally. On the very top of the mountain, looking down at the masterfully drawn coastline of the sea. Hardly awake. Or maybe just falling asleep. Almost surreal with the waves lapping the sand a long way down and the birds like tiny checkmarks, scraped in the sky. Yes, a moving picture, a soundless one I turned out to be a part of. Thought not for much longer. Standing right there, on the very edge, I was ready for inevitable.

sunrise caresses
scars of hazy mountains
a new day begins

Carpe Diem Haiku

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