A Word A Week Photo Challenge – Lines

Straight lines go too quickly to appreciate the pleasures of the journey. They rush straight to their target and then die in the very moment of their triumph without having thought, loved, suffered or enjoyed themselves. Broken lines do not know what they want. With their caprices they cut time up, abuse routes, slash the joyous flowers and split the peaceful fruits with their corners. It is another story with curved lines. The song of the curved line is called happiness. /R.Crevel/





A Word A Week Photo Challenge – Lines

15 thoughts on “A Word A Week Photo Challenge – Lines

  1. if trees are numbered, does it not mean, everything is numbered, apart from love, which is the only substance known to everyone, the only purchase that can’t be turned into a bargain, amen


    1. Thank you, Paula – it was a part (one of the most beautiful ones, must admit!) of the “Festival of Lights” in Rīga that was supposed to be impressive but somehow did end up falling flat. Still was fun to see and have a capture or two. 🙂


  2. Pingback: A Word a Week Photography Challenge-Lines | WoollyMuses

  3. Pingback: A word a week challenge : Lines | Processing the life

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