Carpe Diem Special *Soen Nakagawa’s “awoken from a nap”*

There is maybe a bit unexpected, yet original choice of Soen Nakagawa haiku to be our inspiration on Carpe Diem Special.
To this haiku Soen Nakagawa adds, “The word “penis” had never been used before in a haiku, and I was criticized for exposing such a thing! But a penis is just a penis. Nowadays there is confusion regarding sex. But in truth, sexual energy, like digestive energy, is God’s fine energy, Buddha’s energy, cosmic energy.”

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Aiming my penis
out over the steppes
awoken from a nap

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Although not using the “p” word, also Basho has written a haiku of the same mood:

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ought one laugh or cry
when my Morning Glory
withers up

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And now it is my turn – I tried  to stay close to the same spirit:

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beer bong contest
dodging queue at restrooms
sigh of relief in rain

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sultry afternoon
shudder of waking manhood
traced by my lips

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Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

11 thoughts on “Carpe Diem Special *Soen Nakagawa’s “awoken from a nap”*

  1. I admit to quite liking the penis word. Manhood is fine, but there are some really silly words for penis that make me unable to take the object in question seriously! I love that Basho haiku, though. Morning Glory — hee, hee 🙂


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