It Will Come…


I was thinking about the best way to sum up the departing year, wondering what the right words would be until I found this song… The original version is from my childhood – from an old Russian movie about Mary Poppins, bringing back lovely memories. And I have the feeling it fits also today…when something is about to end and something new – to begin. Things change, winds do and so do we together with them…

The world keeps turning like a carousel,
Enchanted with an everlasting spell
With winds of malice, envy, strife and gall
Can’t count them all…

Can’t count them all-no life has been immune
To strife and anger that arise so soon
To crush our dreams and then instill our fears
With rains of tears and winds so fierce.

Day and night, the world of ours has ever been
Going ’round the sun,
Making all the storms of life and biting winds
Come full circle now.

Yet in this world there is a wind of change,
It comes to cause all things to rearrange.
It will come flying when the time is right-
To drive away the winds of strife.

Day and night, the world of ours has ever been
Going ’round the sun
Making all the storms of life and biting winds
Come full circle now.

Soon the raging winds will halt and cease
All the way beyond our range
It will come, this tender, fresh and warmer breeze
Called the wind of change…

Cherish each other&every moment that life gives you, and have a wonderful New Year!

Time To Say “Thank you!”

Over the past weeks I have been nominated for 4 different awards and can’ t deny they all have come as lovely surprises. It means a lot to me to realize something I’ ve written has been noticed and even enjoyed. I want to thank you sincerely – your blogs, every single post and comment made are my inspirations.
I have always (well, my “always” on blogosphere lasts only for around 5 months) tried my best to follow the rules of awards but this time will make it a bit different. 4 in 1. Balancing in my way a bit the number of bloggers I have to nominate for each award and the questions to be answered/things to be told. Our blogs speak louder than any descriptions, don’ t they?

I was nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award by – thank you very much, ArjunGabriel! His blog reveals the world around through many beautiful photos.

The rules that come with accepting this nomination are the following:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post (and put in the logo);
2. Share 7 things about yourself;
3. Nominate 15 or so bloggers you admire;
4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know.

My nominees for the One Lovely Blog Award are:

The Reader Appreciation Award was sent to me by Her fascinating blog is of a lifetime of experiences with new explorings continuing. Thank you, Pommepal!

These are the rules for this award:
1. Provide a link and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award;
2. Answer 10 questions;
3. Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read;
4. Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know that they have been nominated;
5. Include the award logo within your blog post.

The Questions:
Your favourite colour? Red and black. Though a radio host once tried to persuade me that black isn’ t a colour.
Your favourite animal? I like tigers a lot but will have to go with a cat. The very particular one – mine.
Your favourite non-alcoholic drink? A cup of green tea always tastes good.
Facebook or Twitter? Hmmm, more of a Facebook person I guess.
Your favourite pattern? Lines, curves and the undescribable ones.
Do you prefer getting or giving presents? Both are such a pleasure. How could it not be?!
Your favourite number? For some reason I think it is 4.
Your favourite day of the week? Wednesday. When the difficult start has passed and the inevitable end still is away.
Your favourite flower? Hyacinth. Fragile and strong at the same time and then the scent…mmmm.
What is your passion? Living and loving.

These are the nominees for the Reader Appreciation Award:

A nice surprise about being nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award came to me from Thank you, PurpleRosemary! Her blog is a festival of photography, words, emotions and inspiration.

Here are the rules that come with accepting this award:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Attach the award to your site
3. Share 7 random facts about you
4. Nominate 15 bloggers for the Beautiful Blogger Award

My nominees for the Beautiful Blogger Award are:

For the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award I was nominated by Each one of her poems is a true piece of art – heartfelt and profound. Thank you, Soumya!

And now – the rules for this award:
1. The Nominee of the Wonderful Team member Readership Award shall display the logo on his/her post/page and/or sidebar.
2. Over a period of 7 days (1 week), the Nominee shall nominate 14 readers that he or she appreciates – this can be done at any rate during the week. It can be all on one day or a few on one day and a few on another day, as most convenient to the Nominee.
3. The Nominee shall name his or her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees on a post or on posts during the 7 day (1 week) period.
4. The Nominee must finish this sentence and post: ”A Great reader is…”.

Here are my nominees for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award:

Congratulations and let’ s keep inspiring each other through words and photos on our blogs!

Līgo Circle of Appreciation

The yearly Līgo celebration happens every summer solstice in Latvia.
At this time we adorn our heads with Līgos of flowers, oak leaves,
grasses and plants. We join circles around bonfires and celebrate life,
and our appreciation of each other.

Here’s our
Līgo Circle of Appreciation
among fellow bloggers.

For duration of 22 days, starting on 1st October 2012, we will be inviting
2 bloggers per day
to join the Līgo Circle of Appreciation.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an Appreciation, NOT an Award.

To fully participate in the Līgo Circle of Appreciation:
* Complete this sentence about blogging: ”A great blog is…
* Refer back to the blogger who invited you
* Invite 2 bloggers to join the Līgo Circle of Appreciation on a post

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Read more:

The Circle Begins:
1st October 2012 – a festival of colours, views & viewpoints – art in wordsmithery

2nd October 2012 – a passion for poetry and metallurgy – a myriad of wonderful people from history

3rd October 2012 – a menu of dreams, tastes and cultures – poetry written with the tip of a knife

4th October 2012– from her heart to our stomachs; beautiful photos, restaurants and more… – a heart of gold, wiccan mind and constant eye on the penal system

5th October 2012 – love, smiles and a healthy look at life through stories and photos – a colourful palette of moments and people around

6th October 2012 – thoughts & impressions – poetry of emotion

7th October 2012 – colours, tastes, senses and things that matter – a waterfall of positivity through stories and photos

8th October 2012 – travels, explorings and photos that speak louder than words – creating, sharing and inspiring in her special way

9th October 2012 – stories of everyday people all around the world – photos that don’ t leave you indifferent

10th October 2012 – a blog of a lifetime of experiences and still going strong – a blog that shoots from the hip – but also finds the target every time

11th October 2012 – Celtic Catwoman. Very well-researched writing from the heart – visual treasures of travel

12th October 2012 – a surreal artist with far-reaching words to say – fiesta of dance, words, emotions and inspiration

13th October 2012 – a beauty of colours and energy from a cottage in Cornwall – bursts of words, lightning and music

14th October 2012 – a positive thinking inspiration – a blog of smiles, colours and warmth

15th October 2012 – a blog of images and colours in action – a writer from the heart, who gives all

16th October 2012 – a nomad exploring beauty of the world – a talented writer with a natural gift to capture reader’ s attention

17th October 2012 – the heart, and soul of the adventurer – stories that hit between shoulder blades

18th October 2012 – a blogger whose road tok her homeward bound, and many places in-between – a journey of literature and nature

19th October 2012 – one of the most wonderful writers on WordPress + nice photography – images and words warm to the soul

20th October 2012 – a progression of captivating short stories – a softly-spoken blog from the heart

21st October 2012 – a personal blog of a heart’s content – a blog recommendd to me by yepirate, and a delightful blog from an exotic land

22nd October 2012 – images and words with real meaning – moments that matter through photos and stories

The Liebster Blog Award

Yes, life is full of surprises (a few awards lately – thank you, readers!) and I have been  nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by Suraiya. The way she knows exactly how to create those filigree masterpieces of poetry is amazing. Thank you, my dear Suraiya!

With accepting the award there are certain rules to be followed:
1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Answer 11 questions
3. Nominate 11 bloggers for the Liebster Blog Award and let them know they have been nominated

Here it is…almost like an interview:

1. The book that changed your life: I did some serious thinking on this one and decided it would be just fair to go with my first “ABC book” because after that one…the whole wide world of books was open. And there are so many of them that have changed my life bit by bit.
2. Your favourite author/writer: I won’ t call them “favourites” but there’ re a couple of writers whose books have always been (are) a pleasant discovery for me. With Gabriel García Márquez, Khaled Hosseini, Alessandro Baricco, Kahlil Gibran, Jhumpa Lahiri among them.
3. Your pet and its name: You know what people say…about dogs having owners and cats having staff… I am that “staff” – for Tibeta.
4. The craziest thing you have done: I think I would have to mention my decision to study Sinology (that has very little to do with sins) and my work as a DJ/radio host. Not sure which one was more crazy back then.
5. Your best friend: Love Of My Life – the Highlander with the Orient in his heart.
6. A childhood prank: Once I escaped kindergarten without warning anyone – I simply wanted to be at home very much. Came as a surprise or more precisely – like a shock. For all the adults around.
7. Favourite musician: Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner. Doesn’ t ring a bell? He is also known as Sting.
8. A place you would love to visit: There are so many but the most – the Middle East, South America and Central Asia.
9. If you had just 5 minutes left to live what is the one thing you would do? Hmm, would I know those are my last ones or not? Live it with a look back, no matter where life would have taken me. And most probably wish secretly there was a touch more time.
10. Favourite sport: Rugby.
11. How do you define love? The essence of life.

Tsk, tsk…the difficult part is done. And I am happy to announce my NOMINEES for the LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD:

One Lovely Blog Award

Last week I was nominated for One Lovely Blog Award by Chris – a blogger with the gift of capturing moments, mood and feelings in photos in really unique way. Thank you, it was a surprise!

Here are the rules that come with accepting this nomination:
* Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post (and put in the logo)
* Share 7 things about yourself
* Nominate 15 or so bloggers you admire
* Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know

This and that about myself, well:

1. I am wandering in between photos and words trying to find the best way of expressing my emotions through them
2. Give me mountains any time of a year
3. I think it’ s never too late to learn, develop oneself, discover and re-discover
4. Tolerance is rather high on my list when it’ s about people being people
5. I take things too close to heart now and then (fortunately or unfortunately)
6. There is something and a half that attracts me about quotes 
7. One can’ t fake creativity – I enjoy seeing a sparkle of it around

And now the pleasant part – my nominees for One Lovely Blog Award:


Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

I was recently nominated for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award by Managua, who himself is not just the writer mastering many ways to capture the reader’ s interest but also a great reader whose opinion and comments are truly valuable. Thank you!

Being nominated:

1. The Nominee of the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award shall display the logo on his/her post/page and/or sidebar 
2. The Nominee shall nominate 14 readers they appreciate over a period of 7 days (1 week) – this can be done at any rate during the week. It can be ALL on one day or a few on one day and a few on another day, etc.
3. The Nominee shall name his or her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees on a post or on posts during the 7 day (1 week) period.
4. The Nominee shall make these rules, or amended rules keeping to the spirit of the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award, known to each reader s/he nominates.
5. The Nominee must finish this sentence and post: ”A Great reader is…” (see above)
PLEASE NOTE RULES CAN BE ADDED TO/AMENDED if deemed appropriate; let’s be creative, and let’s grow & improve, but let’s also keep to the spirit of the award.

And now – fanfares&fireworks – my nominees for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award:


Sensual Blogging Award

It has been really sizzling for all my senses to be nominated for the Sensual Blogging Award. Thank you, Managua Gunn, much appreciated!

When nominated for the Sensual Blogging Award, the blogger must:

i)        mention the blogger that nominated them

ii)       nominate a dozen other bloggers, and

iii)     answer 7 sensual questions

iv)     use the nominating blog’s url to link from the award logo below when pasting (should be automatic). 


1. Most romantic memory

The first kiss. Yes, many moons ago.

2. Most sensual music

So rich and graceful, full of aromas and spices – Arabic.

3. Most sensual season

When late spring is tickling early summer.

4. Favourite flower


5. Favourite fruit

Do berries count? Because for my taste buds nothing can beat cherries. Well, almost nothing…

6. Best gift received

The love letter „OFFICIAL CORRESPONDANCE”…so precious and full of flavours from the most sensual man I’ ve ever known.  

7. Love is…

Yes, with him love really is.

CONGRATULATIONS to my  NOMINEES for the Sensual Blogging Award:

Super Sweet Blogging Award

Surprise, surprise! I was nominated for the Super Sweet Blogging Award by Managua Gunn. Check out his blog, please – I bet you will find the way he paints pictures with words as virtuosic, captivating and fun as I do. Thank you very much, Managua!

So, when one is nominated for this award, the person has to:

– thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated them;

– nominate a bakers dozen of other bloggers (see below);

– answer 5 super sweet questions.

1.Cookies or Cake?

A fresh cream cheese cake with raspberries does sound delicious to me.

2. Chocolate or Vanilla?

Vanilla. In many different hidden and not hidden ways.

 3. What is your favorite sweet treat?

Caramel ice-cream – since i was young. Ok, very…young!

4. When do you crave sweet things the most?

When have had enough of bitter ones.

5. If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be?

Strawberries In Snow

And these are my nominees for the Super Sweet Blogging Award:

Very Inspiring Blogger Award ~ Nomination ~ Circle of Love

First of all I want to thank

Managua at

for nominating my blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I was and still am surprised and think it as a great vote of confidence to a newbe like me from such an experienced blogger.

Have to admit that it has always been a touch difficult to say something about myself – no matter what the context has been. But since  I need to list 7 things about myself according to the rules, will give my best try:

–      I’ ve always thought that everything in life isn’ t just black and white, there’ re plenty of other colours, too;

–      travelling is a passion of mine and the road itself is as important as destination;

–      Latvian by passport but wanderer by the soul;

–      I am a good listener(usually);

–      I need „a piece” of solitude almost as much as I need people;

–      glass is half full for me – in most of the cases;

–      I find precious the little wonders, surprises and good moments in life because they are the ones forming the big picture.

And now – the more pleasant part with nominating15 other bloggers for the award! Since I am on WordPress not that long, still working on my…discoveries. But here go the ones that have caught my eye and I do(and will) enjoy returning to for more „sparks” of opinions, ideas, enjoyment, entertainment, inspiration, deep thinking and experience:

Now for the rules to follow when nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award:

  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
  5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.