Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time…


I think birthday is probably one of the few days in a year when kind of “existential” thoughts cross mind. Since it is mine today (yet another time of turning 18), I decided to write them down. Even if only to be able to look back after a year and compare…

“Once upon a time” is the beginning, holding quite a lot of promises in it but, like I was recently told, we never know where it will bring us and what the end will be like. Similar to life itself – full of unexpected turns, the roads that lead to the places I never thought I might be at. Mountains that take my breath away, deserts to be tantalized by, oceans to touch even if only with toes. Time to laugh from the bottom of my heart and also the one for tears to find their own trajectories. A moment of heart racing a shooting star and intimacy reaching beyond imaginable. Intensity of fireworks and purity of a dew drop. Ability to balance on the knife blade and not to slip. Courage to fall if everything goes wrong (or right). And even more – to get up again. Searching and finding, and searching again. People whose presence is never taken for granted, things that are worth to be noticed – so many of them. And maybe that’ s where the beauty comes from – never losing hope to find… What? I don’ t know exactly, myself I guess. Even if it takes a lifetime. All the way to the happy end if there turns out to be one.

growth rings of a tree
year by year walking the line
older doesn’ t mean wiser