9 thoughts on “Travel Theme: Tilted

  1. Tatsat

    Not that I understand everything that you write, but pictures are intriguing every single time- you know this probably 🙂

    The only thing which comes to mind, on tilting, is humility. Sea, old men and of course, the monastery- somehow are all entrenched in humility, aren’t they ? 🙂

    You like your readers work hard for their meanings don’t you ?


  2. “You’re walking. And you don’t always realize it,
    but you’re always falling.
    With each step you fall forward slightly.
    And then catch yourself from falling.
    Over and over, you’re falling.
    And then catching yourself from falling.
    And this is how you can be walking and falling
    at the same time.”

    Laurie Anderson


Plato believed an opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance. Fancy to share yours?