29 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Contrasts

    1. Yes, mystery has a great power, Jo 🙂 For some time it looked like somebody sunbathing on the roof until we realized it was just either something to be qualified as a part of the roof or something else looking a lot like a forgotten sewing machine. 😀


    1. Thank you very much, Sue! 🙂
      The mystery of the roof…was never actually solved. When it was clear there was no asleep sunbather on the top of the roof, we realized it was just either something to be qualified as a part of the roof or something else looking a lot like a forgotten sewing machine.


      1. lol, my first instinct is to blow up the picture, too! I thought I saw someone having a bubble bath on the roof which is really strange 🙂
        ANyways, I love your photo selection, the first one sort of add a little mystery to the bunch 🙂 the last one got to be my favorite!!!


  1. Pingback: Been a While | As I See It

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Contrasts | Understanding and Embracing Diversity

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Contrasts | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

    1. Hehee, I thought it was, Tina, but the mystery was never solved. In the end we realised it was either something to be qualified as a part of the roof or something else looking a lot like a forgotten sewing machine. 🙂
      Storks indeed…I am kind of a fan of those majestic birds…”checking” the same nests every year.


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