Carpe Diem Haiku *Basho ”how rare!”*

Our source of inspiration on Carpe Diem today is a haiku, written by Matsuo Basho:

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how rare!
on leaving the mountain
the first eggplant

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The following ones are my attempt to stay close to the same mood and spirit:

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old oak-tree shade
nurtured in maze of roots
black summer truffle

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double rainbow
arches across stormy sky
time to count blessings

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Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

4 thoughts on “Carpe Diem Haiku *Basho ”how rare!”*

  1. I love both but counting blessings after a double rainbow rings close to my heart, a time I finished work last Fall and everyone I saw looked up on their way home with smiles …the rainbows arched over a church.:)


  2. Beautiful set of haiku Ese, but your second is really a masterpiece and I would love to use that one in one of our upcoming Tan Renga Challenges. Counting your blessings after seeing a double rainbow … you are blessed … Namaste


  3. Pingback: Double Rainbow (Tan Renga) | Blog It or Lose It!

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