Ese’s Weekly Shoot & Quote Challenge – Scent

My challenge is my passion – a photo you have taken and a quote, attributed to its author, and of course related to your image. Every week on Sunday I will post a new prompt.
And…I will be sending a few of you a free copy of my book, Butterfly Thy Name, each week, in due course – when it’s finished!

I want to thank my fellow bloggers who have already become a part of this challenge. Everyone’ s welcome to join! All you have to do is:
– create a post of your own with the title Ese’s Weekly Shoot & Quote Challenge – Scent;
– include a link to this post also for others to find you.

Let your ideas flow and enjoy!  Ese

Prompt 7 – SCENT

Sometimes a scent is more evocative than a photo or an image. It is a primer for the deflagration of sensation, emotions, desires, uncontrollable atmospheres, dejavus that flood and wrap us like honey, until they make us drown in an unrepeatable moment of wellbeing… olfactory hallucinations that lead us anywhere: to the North of any South, to the East of any West…/Profumum Roma/





It’s in the air…and I can’t wait to see what you will come up with!

61 thoughts on “Ese’s Weekly Shoot & Quote Challenge – Scent

  1. Pingback: Ese’s Weekly Shoot & Quote Challenge: Scent | masadiso79's Blog

  2. Pingback: The Scent of a Heron | Babsje Heron

  3. Pingback: Ese’s weekly shoot and quote challenge: scent | It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see - Thoreau

  4. Pingback: Stream of vibrations | Le Drake Noir

  5. Pingback: An ugly challenge | Le Drake Noir

  6. Pingback: Burning feelings | Le Drake Noir

  7. Pingback: Allurism, an alluring un-invented word | Le Drake Noir

  8. Pingback: On the tracks | Le Drake Noir

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