Līgo Haibun Challenge – Word Prompt

Welcome into a new Friday with a new Līgo Haibun Challenge!

The prompt words this week were chosen after discussion with Jen, at Blog It Or lose It, who gave us the following two words:
Water       OR       Order.

As always choose one, remember to use it in your haibun and let your imagination flow! Please, don’t forget to add your haibun to the Inlinkz collection! Good luck!

4 thoughts on “Līgo Haibun Challenge – Word Prompt

  1. Pingback: Līgo Haibun Challenge – Unexpectedly Expected | Ese' s Voice

  2. Pingback: Ligo haibun: Sanity? | Jules Longer Strands of Gems

  3. Pingback: Sea Wall – Ligo Haibun Challenge | anelephantcant

  4. Pingback: Ligo Haibun Challenge: November 28, 2013 – Water or Order | Bastet and Sekhmet's Library

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