Sunday Stills Challenge: One Pic Of My Favorite Subject

Ed suggests&inspires to find the ONE pic that shows my favorite subject to photograph, so…I got right to that. The sea/ocean and mountains do it for me, always and anywhere. If I get them together, then my “photographer’ s happiness” is complete. Well, almost…


Sunday Stills: One Pic Of Your Favorite Subject

14 thoughts on “Sunday Stills Challenge: One Pic Of My Favorite Subject

    1. I have seen a bit of mountains and ocean but when I do again, it is always like the very first time. The same admiration and amazement over and oever, no matter where in the world it would be. 🙂 I am sure you will enjoy and…yes, things might change in a way, true.


      1. Tatsat

        Ohh… This is fascinating. I am just waiting to have my byte of experience 🙂 seeing your pictures and the quotes you put with them makes to fast forward a bit 😉

        PS- in last comment, I meant I have not seen the mountains and ocean. Typing error…


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