Carpe Diem Special *Jim Kacian’s “city morning”*

This week our source of inspiration on Carpe Diem Special is a haiku, written by Jim Kacian:

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city morning
a crane lifts its shadow
up the wall

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The following ones are mine – an attempt to stay close to the same mood and spirit:

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wet asphalt
maple leaves drink in autumn
awaking city

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echoing through smog
cacophony of car horns-
city is awake

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Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

The Līgo Haibun Challenge – Sense Of Home


This week there are two prompts for the Līgo Haibun Challenge:
Treasure      or      Despair.
After giving some thought to them I ended up at the place where everything usually starts from…

There have been roads, so many of them that all can’ t be found in my memory files anymore. The places pinned on the map quite a few times that the holes in the paper are supposed to tell stories of their own. About going away and returning. For a longer time and not so long but the feeling of coming back home has always been special. Like setting free from the rib cage a trembling sparrow…to finally let me breathe.

weary traveler
from all roads of the world
old one leads home

“Home wasn’t a set house, or a single town on a map. It was wherever the people who loved you were, whenever you were together.” /S.Dessen/ Yes, I must admit it has hardly had anything to do with mind but everything – with heart. That tiny corner of the world where pieces of my life’ s puzzle are all over the place. Framed memories of the past, vibrating present and dreamy future. A bit dusty on the shelves, nicely hanging in the wardrobe, almost hidden behind the cupboard doors and forgotten under the bed. Yet all there, all so very much present.

Looking at the walls, I remember laughter of my friends trying to make the wallpaper stick. Deep conversations until the break of dawn. Celebrating ourselves and life. Finding peace in the flickering flame of the last candle. Things are not just things there, they are knitted together with feelings. Echoes of giggles and tears, sounds and silence, leaving and always returning. A part of me – the microcosmos, though connected to the big world out there, still having an order of its own. My treasure.

within four walls
i build the world of my own
the door is open

The Līgo Haibun Challenge