36 thoughts on “Travel Theme: On Display

      1. cinova

        It seems that the feeling is mutual then 🙂 Look forward to sharing some thoughts, memories, impressions and adventures with you in the blogosphere!


  1. Bare feet on the right and socks above! Oh my! Are those ordinary socks that are then hand stitched? It is difficult to see the details, and thus, I cannot tell from the picture.

    Thanks for reading one of my humble sonnets (even if you only popped in for a moment.)


    1. Thank you. 🙂 Very ordinary, yet wonderfuly hand knitted. For me at least – to keep those bare feet comfy all the way through winter.
      It was my pleasure to discover your sonnets. Too rich and profound to stop at just one… 😉


      1. David Emeron

        I humbly thank you. They are there to be read (for better or worse!)

        That seem a wonderful way to augment a pair of plain white socks! My I ask if it is an ordinary Cross-stitch method or something more exotic?


        1. Esenga' s Voice

          “For better” counts in my case since I definitely enjoyed. 🙂
          As far as my knowledge and experience in knitting reaches, I would say the ornaments are knitted in without any stiching. In an ordinary way.


          1. David Emeron

            We do have one other thing in common: Nice feet. My sweet wife claims that I could still be a foot model if I so wished (and I am perhaps 3 times your age) Doctors are amazed when they look at them! But I do not do anything unusual. Just luck of good foot genes : ) (I’m not sure I’d put them on my web site though!)


              1. David Emeron

                Thank you, and the older we get the more we need one!

                By the way, I tried viewing the picture of your socks up close, and could indeed see that they are all knitted. They seemed so well done so perfect and regular that I thought, when I first saw them that it was some kind of Latvian needle work embroidering over ordinary factory made socks. (It made me want to try that with a pair of mine, that i buy in 12 packs. From Costco. Which they may or may not have in Latvia.)


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