Special Photo Challenge: Inspiration

I wonder when do we write…what are those moments, those very exact ones when we just sit down and write. Scribble a line or two, create a poem or give birth to a story. When we do need to find a couple of minutes to write and they just seem to appear. Out of nowhere. Or they don’ t and we find a moment anyway. Why then, why not in a different moment? Would the result be different if it had happened earlier or later?

Do we write when we are bursting of joy and there’ s that almost burning necessity to put it in words? Or when the sadness is so deep we might drown in it if not for writing? When there’ s happiness knocking on the door and fortunately we have been there to open? Or on contrary – affliction so heavy it can’ t be taken anymore? When there’ s a problem to be solved sticked to us like a shadow and we need to write…for the solution to find a clean path in our mind? To have a moment of personal freedom? Or to have a personal moment? When the inspiration comes? And what if it doesn’ t? When we simply feel good, life is bubbling around and our loved ones are all well? And the positivity just needs to be spread? When? In all of those moments? In none of them? What happens if we miss the right moment and is there the right one? Will there be the next one? After how long? “Why” usually matters more and there’ s hardly any curiousity about “when” therefore I keep wondering… Do you? Ever?

Life is all about timing…the unreachable becomes reachable,
the unavailable becomes available,
the unattainable – attainable. /S.Charter/

More about getting inspired here: Special Photo Challenge

11 thoughts on “Special Photo Challenge: Inspiration

  1. I write when thoughts become too much of a burden to be held within the mind.
    I also write when thoughts give me an adrenaline rush – the only way to get the adrenaline to a normal level is to get the thoughts out as words penned or typed 🙂


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